Dear users of the player !
We are pleased to inform you that 30.01.2018 released a new version of the player - 1.2.3 
In this version we have fixed some bugs in the player, improved the appearance and added new features :
- display of channel groups 
- manage sound tracks

Channel group playlist can be set in two ways :

1. The use of attribute group-title="GROUP TITLE"
For example : 
#EXTINF:2 censored="0" id="vsetv_9" tvg-id="9" group_id="15" group-title="Main" tvg-shift="0" tvg-name="BBC" tvg-logo="41.png", BBC
#EXTINF:2 censored="0" id="vsetv_841" tvg-id="841" group_id="15" group-title="Main" tvg-shift="0" tvg-name="FOX HD" tvg-logo="42.png", FOX HD

2. The use tag #EXTGRP
In this case, the playlist should look like this:

#EXTINF:2 censored="0" id="vsetv_9" tvg-id="9" tvg-shift="0" tvg-name="BBC" tvg-logo="41.png", BBC
#EXTINF:2 censored="0" id="vsetv_841" tvg-id="841" tvg-shift="0" tvg-name="FOX HD" tvg-logo="42.png", FOX HD

Manage audio track is carried out by setting the desired track in the playlist in two ways :

1. Assign audio track with the audio-track attribute - audio-track="LANGUAGE", for example audio-track="en" or audio-track="ru"
Playlist example:
#EXTINF:2 censored="0" id="vsetv_9" tvg-id="9" group_id="15" group-title="Main" tvg-shift="0" audio-track="en" tvg-name="BBC" tvg-logo="41.png", BBC
#EXTINF:2 censored="0" id="vsetv_841" tvg-id="841" group_id="15" group-title="Main" tvg-shift="0" audio-track="en" tvg-name="FOX" tvg-logo="42.png", FOX

2. Assign audio track with audio-track-num attribute - audio-track-num="TRACK NUMBER", started from zero - for example  audio-track-num="0" - set first audio track or audio-track="1" - set second audio track
Playlist example:
#EXTINF:2 censored="0" id="vsetv_9" tvg-id="9" group_id="15" group-title="Main" tvg-shift="0" audio-track-num="0" tvg-name="BBC" tvg-logo="41.png", BBC
#EXTINF:2 censored="0" id="vsetv_841" tvg-id="841" group_id="15" group-title="Main" tvg-shift="0" audio-track-num="0" tvg-name="FOX" tvg-logo="42.png", FOX

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