Buy pincode

You can purchase unlock pin code for the FPlayer for getting access the full version (Trial version displaying maximum 5 channels in playlist - full version - maximum possible).
After payment You will receive an email which will contain the unlock code for unlocking full version player. One unlock code is intended for use only on one TV. After entering the unlock code in the settings app on the TV, you must restart the player, after this you can use the full-featured version.
The validity of the pin is 1 year from date of purchase.

  • Buy using YooMoney
  • The cost per pin is 200 RUB (or the equivalent in your currency)
  • Please specify your email (we send on it your pin code(s) after success payment - specify correct and valid email address, otherwise you risk not to receive the letter with pin code)
  • If you have any questions about purchase or you have trouble with purchasing unlock code - please contact us via feedback or email

You can purchase our IPTV player using Yoomoney



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