1. General provisions.
1.1. This privacy Policy of personal data (hereinafter - the Policy) applies to all personal data that SP Lazutin, I. A. (hereinafter the Company), may obtain from the user (the person who filled in the feedback form that uses other services of the official website en.f-player.ru the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the Website)), in particular in the course: to send comments or questions, order products, participate in promotional and marketing campaigns or promotions and/or other interaction (hereinafter – Services).
1.2. Filling the feedback form, or other forms of website and sending them to the Company server, as well as indicating your personal data when you use other services of the Website, the user agrees with this Policy and specified in its terms of processing and transmission of personal data. The User's consent to granting, processing and transfer of Personal data to the Company in accordance with the Policy is complete and unconditional.
1.3. Visitors of the Website should refrain from filling in the form and/or use other services of the Website in case of disagreement (complete or partial) Policy, as well as disagreement to provide personal information.
1.4. Consent given by the user, includes consent to the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, transfer within the Company or service provider, undertaking to comply with the terms of the agreement on the protection of personal data for purposes of sending information material or for promotional purposes, cross-border transmission, blocking, depersonalization, destruction of personal data.
1.5. Consent given by the user applies to the following personal data: surname, first name, email address, postal address and contact phone number.
1.6. The validity of the consent is unlimited, however, the user may at any time revoke this consent by written notification to the email address: defender@bleaksoft.ru, marked "withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data".
1.7. For specific Services provided by the Company, the Company may publish additional regulations, supplementary to this Policy.
2. The personal data collected and processed by the Company.
2.1. In this Policy, personal information means:
2.1.1. Personal data that the users provide about themselves when filling out the feedback form on the Website, when you use other services of the Site, when registering (creating an account) on the Website or in the course of using Services provided by the Company. The relevant information is clearly designated to it, in particular include: surname, first name, email address, postal address and contact phone number. Other information provided by the user at his discretion.
2.1.2. Other information about the user, collection and/or provision of which is determined by the Company to provide certain Services later, as explicitly specified when ordering individual Services.
2.2. The company believes that the user shall provide accurate personal data.
2.3. The company believes that the user has the right to provide Personal information.
3. Google Analytics.
3.1. We use the tool “Google Analytics” to collect information about Website usage, such as frequency of visits to the Site pages accessed and the sites that were users to transition to this Site. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this Website, but not the name or other identifying information.
3.2. Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this Site. This cookie cannot be used by anyone other than Google, Inc. Information gathered by the cookie will be transmitted to Google and stored on servers of the Corporation in the United States.
3.3. We use the information received from Google Analytics only to improve services on this Website. We do not combine information obtained through Google Analytics with personally identifiable information.
3.4. Google's ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this Site is restricted by the Google privacy Policy. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to this Site by disabling cookies Google Analytics in your browser or you can use the Google Analytics opt-out
4. Yandex.Metric.
4.1. We use the tool “Yandex.Metric” to collect information about Website usage, such as frequency of visits to the Site pages accessed and the sites that were users to transition to this Site. Yandex.The metric collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this Website, but not the name or other identifying information.
4.2. Yandex.Metric places a permanent cookie in your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this Site. This cookie cannot be used by anyone other than the company Yandex. Information gathered by the cookie will be transmitted to Google and stored on servers of Corporation in Russia.
4.3. We use the information collected through Yandex.Metric only to improve services on this Website. We do not combine the information collected through Yandex.Metric with personally identifiable information.
4.4. Yandex opportunities to use and transfer to third parties the information collected by Yandex.Metric about your visits to this Site are limited to the privacy Policy Yandex. You can disable Yandex.Metric to recognize you on return visits to this Site by disabling cookies Yandex.Metric in your browser or you can use Blocker Yandex.Metric.
5. Purpose of processing personal information of users.
5.1. The company processes only those personal data necessary for providing and improving the quality of Services.
5.2. Personal user information the Company may use for the following purposes:
5.2.1. Identification of the parties in the framework of the provision of Services.
5.2.2. Providing the user with personalized Services.
5.2.3. Improving the quality of Services and develop new ones.
5.2.4. Carrying out statistical and other researches based on depersonalized data.
6. Transfer of personal data to third parties.
6.1. In relation to the user's personal data is kept confidential, except in cases of processing of personal data, access of an unlimited circle of persons to which is provided by user or at its request.
6.2. The company has the right to transfer personal information to third parties in the following cases:
6.2.1. The user has given their consent for such actions.
6.2.2. The transfer is necessary to achieve the objectives, implementation and performance of functions, powers and responsibilities assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7. Measures taken to protect personal data of users.
7.1. The company takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions with personal data of third parties.
8. The rights and obligations of the user.
8.1. The company takes reasonable steps to maintain the accuracy and relevance of, the personal data and remove out of date or otherwise incorrect or unnecessary personal data, however, the User is responsible for providing accurate information and for updating the data in the event of any changes.
8.2. The user can at any time change (update, add, block, destroy) the personal information or its part and the parameters of its confidentiality by contacting the Company.
8.2.1. The user may at any time withdraw consent to the processing of personal data by written notification to the email address: defender@bleaksoft.ru marked "withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data", the review of user consent to the processing of personal data entails the deletion of the user account from the Site, as well as the destruction of records containing personal information in systems of processing of personal data by the Company
8.3. The user has the right to receive information concerning the processing of personal data by the Company.
8.4. To comply with the provisions in clauses 6.2 and 6.3 of this Policy the Company may request to confirm the user's identity by requiring the provision of such confirmation in any compliance with the law.
9. Feedback. Questions and suggestions.
All suggestions or questions regarding this Policy, the Company asks to inform by e-mail defender@bleaksoft.ru.

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